Portal Home > Knowledgebase > cPanel > MSSQL2008 DB mirroring
SQL Server Mirroring setup=====================================================================================Create database on MSSQL2008Settings should be Backup="Full" and "Auto Close"=false (under properties)Backup the database, and transaction log (2 backup events, to the same backup file)Copy resulting file to MSSQL2008-2 (for restore)Restore database on MSSQL2008-2- do this twice, once for data and once for transaction log- option: force overwrite- option: leave database non-operationl (RESTORE WITH NORECOVERY)On principal (MSSQL2008) right click and select Tasks -> Mirror...Click "Configure Security"Default options applyPrincipal server: MSSQL2008Secondary server: MSSQL2008-2Witness server: WEB01-W2K8Service accounts:For all (principal, secondary, witness): tt-onsite\sqlserverSelelct through to "Finish"Database should appear as:DATABASE_NAME (Principal, Synchronized) -- on MSSQL2008DATABASE_NAME (Resotring...) or (Mirror, Synchronized / Restoring) -- on MSSQL2008-2
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